Project Development

Hi! My name is Kieron and this is the final blog for my CPDD Journey. 📹

*heaves a sigh full of mixed emotions*

In this page, I will:

1. Briefly describe my team's chemical device

2. Show how the team planned, allocated the tasks, and executed the project.

3. Document the entire design and build process of the chemical device and include videos, pictures, and screen captures of the processes.

4. Include a "Hero shot" of every milestone of the processes, for example; part A that was 3D printed, part B that was laser-cut, and electronics components moved/worked accordingly to the program. 

The hero shot is taken with the person-in-charge holding/working/making the parts.

5. Include the name of the person who was in charge of every part of the project.

6. Document my individual contribution to this project.

7. Provide the link to the page of the blog of my teammates.

8. Describe problems encountered and how the team solved them.

9. Include all the project design files as downloadable files.

10. Embed the final prototype design file, i.e., the final fusion360 design file showing the entire prototype.

11. Type my Learning Reflection on the overall project development.

1. Our team's Chemical Device

  • In this section, I will briefly describe my team's chemical device.
  • What it is?
  • What problems will the chemical device solve?
  • Below is a hand sketch of the chemical device.

  • Did you know that drinking a variety of tea provides benefits to the human body?
    The benefits range from detoxification to promoting focus to being a healthy alternative to many drinks. Nonetheless, the key for all foods is in moderation.
  • Tea Steeping has also become an expensive hobby for some millennials in the current world, the video shown here is just an example of how interesting tea brewing can be!
Viral Tiktok Video of Singaporean Tea Hobbyist sharing Tea Secrets 
  • Albeit, the above-mentioned is the art of GongFu Tea brewing and was shared to showcase the interests and history of Tea Brewing.
  • Nowadays, westernized tea brewing has become more straightforward.
  • Brewing tea is a complicated art form that dates back to China more than 5,000 years ago and is performed through human functions

  • However, for the amateur, it is difficult to get the perfect taste of tea to savor.
  • Hence, to approach the ideal cup of tea for everyday folks like you and me to enjoy, we need a chemical device to aid us.

What is our Chemical Device?
A tea brewer machine designed to assist consumers to achieve the ideal cup of tea for the user to enjoy.

Western style of traditional tea preparation method

What problems will the Chemical Device solve?
In order to conveniently brew tea without much effort, tea is brewed using our Chemical Device, a tea brewer machine. 

We first came up with a few diagrams to help us put our concepts into play.

Simple Functional Diagram

Advanced and Detailed Functional Diagram

This eliminates the 2 important variables to be considered, the 2 Ts of Tea Brewing, namely, Temperature and Time.

Temperature can be measured with the help of a DS18B20 temperature sensor and the time can be monitored by an Arduino Uno Maker Computer Board.


Next, the working mechanism used to move the tea bag to begin the tea brewing process will be the Lever. The Lever is operated by a servo motor which is integrated into the program created for this chemical device.

Below is a neat hand sketch of the Chemical Device

Credits: Cheryl, 2023

2. Team Planning, allocation, and execution

  • In this section, I will list down my team member's name and their respective roles (CEO, CFO, COO, CSO)
  • I will show the finalized BOM (BILL OF MATERIALS) table.
  • I will show the finalized Gantt Chart (planned and actual) and the task allocation for each team member.

Role allocation and introduction of the A-Team

Just like the A-Team, there was no Plan B for this team, although there were difficulties and multiple setbacks, we learned from the challenges and we did not deviate but continued with our original idea with trust.


A BOM is a comprehensive list of parts, tools, assemblies, items, and other materials that are required to create the product, and the instructions for acquiring the materials. 

Generally, it can be sent to the supplier in one shot to acquire the full set of materials to begin crafting the product.

BOM is an open document and can be edited at any point in time during the design process.

BOM is critical to a product manufacturer and serves an important role in the development of any product. 
Simply put, a manufacturer cannot function without a BOM in place, especially since it provides organisation and structure to a project.

Planned Gantt Chart 

Some knowledge, a Gantt Chart is essential for any project development and management.

It is an open document where tasks are captured in timestamped edits. 

This ensures that members are accountable for their work as everything is written down.

Additionally, it allows a team to schedule and plan for projects, and track the progress of individual tasks, if done right.

It is important for project managers.

Task Allocation

  • I will research and design a code that programs the function to read temperature with the Temperature Sensor.
  • Ruba will research and design a code that incorporates the function of the Servo Motor as well as a melody tune as a means for an alarm.
  • We will then work together to compile the codes together into a single desired function for how we want the tea maker to work.

Laser Cutting
  • Cheryl will spearhead the preparation of laser-cutting files via Fusion360 guided by the desired specifications as well as the operation of the laser-cutting machine.
  • Cheryl will be in charge of assembling and collecting the fresh acrylic parts for the team.
3D Printing and CADD Model
  • Hong Yi will design the functional CADD Model for the 3D Representation of our concept design
  • Hong Yi will also design and 3D Print working parts for our prototype. 
  • Mainly the Lever working mechanism and a Hook piece to go along with it

3. Design and Build Process

In this section, I will provide documentation of the design and build process.

Part 1. Design and Build of CADD and 3D Printing (done by Hong Yi)

Hong Yi was in charge of the CADD and 3D Printing, this is the link to his blog:

Part 2. Design and Build of Tea Maker Parts via Laser Cutting 

(done by Cheryl)

Cheryl was in charge of the Tea Maker Acrylic Parts and Laser Cutting, this is the link to her blog:

Part 3. Programming and Build of Temperature Sensor Circuit 

(done by Me, Kieron)

In this section, I will document the programming and building of the temperature sensor circuit among other coding details.

I was to work with Ruba on the research and integration of the tea maker functional code.

First, Ruba and I worked separately, taking the individual electronics home to research and craft our own rendition of how our separate component codes should work.

Feeling crumbled by my assignments, I pushed the research of my code section to the weekend evenings when I had the most peace and focus.

I initially thought of going to TinkerCAD to design my code circuit and code strings before implementing and I assumed that there would be a simple guide to follow on youtube which covered TinkerCAD Temperature sensing. 
I assumed that coding will be that simple, as TinkerCAD worked for me during my hectic Arduino Programming Arc.

To my dismay, it was not as easy as that and I had to search multiple sources until I decided to go back to the BOM List and identify the model of the temperature sensor used.

I discovered that the sensor used was a DS18B20 Temperature Probe.

Then I went to Youtube, Google, as well as past year project blogs to search for how to code the DS18B20 temperature sensor for Arduino.

My plan to execute was as follows:
  • Create and Test basic temperature sensor code
  • Learn and understand how the code works and establishes a connection with the serial monitor
  • Compile my code with Ruba's code
  • Finalise the system integration

I came across quite a few comprehensive guides that helped me with drafting the basic code function.
These are the hyperlinks I used to write the basic code:

Some prerequisites:
  • Head to Arduino Library Manager > Search for "Dallas Temperature" > Download Dallas Temperature by Miles Burton > Download all relevant libraries accompanied with it; you should have <Onewire.h> and <DallasTemperature.h>.
  • These libraries will be necessary for the Arduino to look into to refer to knowledge and information libraries required for the temperature sensor to function.
  • The libraries provide the Arduino with information relevant to temperature calculations and conversions, among others.
This is the basic example Temperature code that I sourced for:

// Include the libraries we need

#include <OneWire.h>

#include <DallasTemperature.h>

// Data wire is plugged into port 2 on the Arduino

#define ONE_WIRE_BUS 2

// Setup a oneWire instance to communicate with any OneWire devices (not just Maxim/Dallas temperature ICs)

OneWire oneWire(ONE_WIRE_BUS);

// Pass our oneWire reference to Dallas Temperature.

DallasTemperature sensors(&oneWire);


 * The setup function. We only start the sensors here


void setup(void)


  // start serial port


  Serial.println("Dallas Temperature IC Control Library Demo");

  // Start up the library




 * Main function, get and show the temperature


void loop(void)


  // call sensors.requestTemperatures() to issue a global temperature

  // request to all devices on the bus

  Serial.print("Requesting temperatures...");

  sensors.requestTemperatures(); // Send the command to get temperatures


  // After we got the temperatures, we can print them here.

  // We use the function ByIndex, and as an example get the temperature from the first sensor only.

  float tempC = sensors.getTempCByIndex(0);

  // Check if reading was successful



    Serial.print("Temperature for the device 1 (index 0) is: ");





    Serial.println("Error: Could not read temperature data");



Afterward, I needed to connect the circuit to test the code. 

How to make the circuit?

Initially, I felt extremely puzzled about how to connect everything together. I did not know if the resistor had a polarity and was unsure of which end connects to which end. 

I attempted to watch the Youtube videos to see if they showed the connection of the resistor.
This uncertainty cost me time, especially since it was late in the night, and I did not know of anyone that could help me at the time.

Nonetheless, I connected the circuit and the basic code worked! (First Success)

Temperature Sensor Circuit
Proof that the code works:

Quick reflection:
Looking back, I should not have used a lighter for the code testing as it was dangerous, but a quick method to increase the temperature for testing.

Instead, I could have used cold water or something to that effect. Furthermore, this DS18B20 Temperature sensor is only designed for temperatures up to 125 deg C, as mentioned in the datasheet provided in a previous section.

However, the saying goes, "Monkey sees, Monkey does." Having watched the youtube videos of demonstrators lighting up the sensor, I assumed the same idea, being born in the Year of the Monkey and all...

I felt overjoyed to celebrate my mini milestone and updated Ruba on my progress.
We decided to compile our codes during the break in school before our CPDD Lesson and Consult with Dr. Noel, our lecturer.
Work in progress...

Later, during the consultation with Dr Noel, I realised the important time saver that resistors have no polarity

Except for the positive and negative charged wires, they must be connected properly to the precise ports, if not the electronics may short-circuit due to negative current and voltage flow. 

A friend of mine, Tristan had his electronics (Infrared sensor) overheat and exploded due to his negligence. That surely is a lesson to remember.

After our consultation, Dr. Noel enlightened our team that we could start off with a simple code sequence that we want the Arduino Computer to perform first, and then in the compiler, we can follow it to create a simple code of our functions.

This was what we came up with

Something we could have tried was the "millis" function, which may have solved problems that arose later on, however, we decided not to, after learning that we first did not need it, and secondly, I felt that it was rather difficult, even after watching an hour-long worth of video lectures on the millis function.
This is the hyperlink to a playlist on why "delay" may be detrimental to your code and that "millis" is a powerhouse of a code:

After watching these videos, although I still do not know how to use "millis", I have learned that "delay" is kind of like that slacker in the team that does exactly what it needs to do and does nothing more. However, there is a whole component on Arduino boards dedicated to the "millis" ticker.
I may be wrong, but it is this component, that even the Uno Maker has, but in a smaller form

Back to the prototyping code...

For the subsequent days of the week after the consult, we agreed that Ruba will take the electronics to try and compile the codes to work on. 

Although she got the temperature sensor to display accurate readings, she could not get the servo motor to work. 

I requested to try and fix the code during the weekend. On my own time, I headed on to the community platform, YouTube videos, and previous BrightSpace tutorials to seek some understanding of coding and re-learn the concepts of Arduino Programming.

My realisation:
I have learned that programming is sort of like telling a hardworking technician what to do and they will follow your orders precisely, as it sifts through the code string by string at fast speeds.
If the order or codes used does not make sense, the Arduino compiler will complain or not perform your desired function.

During my research, I found some gaps where Ruba's code had which made her initial code, not function.
Although in coding, there is no singular answer and multiple code strings can be used, this was what I spotted via troubleshooting:

  • Firstly, she did not include the relevant <DallasTemperature> files, which I added subsequently.
  • Second, she used <int angle = 0> to store the servo angle position, which the computer may not have understood due to the library resources. 
  • Instead, you can use <int pos = 0> to introduce and store the servo position instead. 

  • From what I understand, the computer can read the servo.h library and convert voltages into angles automatically when the library is added.

  • Lastly, she used the wrong variable name to label the temperature variable.
  • The proper variable which took me a long time to find was <sensors.getTempCByIndex(0)> to display the temperature range that you want the computer to perform the "IF" Statement.
  • Example, <if ((getTempCByIndex(0) >= 70 && (getTempCByIndex(0) <= 92)), followed by the desired code that you want the computer to perform after the "IF" Statement.   
  • I did not understand why I could not get the answer from previous blogs as even they used <temperature>
Anyway, here is the hyperlink to the resource that took me so long to find, where I found my answer:

After which, my simple Arduino temperature circuit was working! 
(Another milestone completed for me!)

Explanation of the code:
For this code, the servo motor will remain in the 120-degree upright position initially, the temperature sensor then begins serial connection and reads temperature values.

If the temperature goes above the specified value, the servo will move down to 50 degrees.
However, this code may not perform fully and have some problems as I included the melody tone codes as well.

<pitches.h> is the tab where the melody notes are stored.

This is the basic code of the temperature sensor and the servo motor working together:

#include <Arduino_BuiltIn.h>

#include "pitches.h"

#include <Servo.h>

#include <OneWire.h>

#include <DallasTemperature.h>

//include all relevant library resources that we need; music notes, servo control, temperature probe DS18B20 pre-made libraries

  Servo myservo; //include servo motor to be controlled

  int pos = 0; //introduce variable position to store myservo position

#define ONE_WIRE_BUS 2

// Data wire is plugged into port 2 on the Arduino, Input is the Temperature sensor DS18B20

// Setup a oneWire instance to communicate with any OneWire devices (not just Maxim/Dallas temperature ICs)

  OneWire oneWire(ONE_WIRE_BUS);

// Pass our oneWire reference to Dallas Temperature.

  DallasTemperature sensors(&oneWire);

// arrays to hold device address

  DeviceAddress insideThermometer;

// notes in the melody:

int melody[] = {



// note durations: 4 = quarter note, 8 = eighth note, etc.:

int noteDurations[] = {

  4, 8, 8, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4


void setup() {

  // put your setup code here, to run once:

  Serial.begin(9600); //establish serial connection

  Serial.println("Dallas Temperature IC Control Library Demo"); //print new readings on a subsequent string

  sensors.begin(); //establish connection from the DS18B20 Temperature Sensor library with the board

  myservo.attach(9); //attaches servo connection to pin 9, output is servo motor

  for (int thisNote = 0; thisNote <10; thisNote++){

    int noteDuration = 1000 / noteDurations[thisNote];

    int pauseBetweenNotes = noteDuration * 1.30;





void loop()


  //1: Code strings required for the temperature probe input are written

  // call sensors.requestTemperatures() to issue a global temperature

  // request to all devices on the bus

 Serial.print(" Requesting temperatures...");

 sensors.requestTemperatures(); // Send the command to get temperature readings



 Serial.print("Temperature is: ");

 Serial.print(sensors.getTempCByIndex(0)); // Why "byIndex"?  

   // You can have more than one DS18B20 on the same bus.  

   // 0 refers to the first IC on the wire

 if (sensors.getTempCByIndex(0) >= 60 && sensors.getTempCByIndex(0) <= 85) //If statement () is true, perform the code mentioned below



       // only operate between set temp range

     for (pos = 150; pos >= 50; pos -= 1) { // goes from 150 degrees to 50 degrees in increments of 1 degree

    myservo.write(pos);// tell servo to go to position in variable 'pos'



    for (pos = 50; pos >= 50; pos = 1) { // maintain servo position at 50

    myservo.write(pos);              // tell servo to go to position in variable 'pos'

    delay(3000);                       // waits 3mins before repeating the loop


    for (pos = 50; pos >= 150; pos +=1) // goes from 50 degrees back to 150 degrees in increments of 1 degree


      myservo.write(pos); //tell servo to go to this position

      delay (10000);// delay ensures that the servo motor moves in a steady speed instead of moving instantaneously

       for (int thisNote = 0; thisNote <10; thisNote++){

    int noteDuration = 1000 / noteDurations[thisNote];

    int pauseBetweenNotes = noteDuration * 1.30;







  else //if statement in () is false, perform this code


  myservo.write(150);//maintain servo motor position at 150 degrees



Proof that the code works:
This is the google drive to the videos and photos for proof that the code works.

However, after this, we wanted the servo motor to slow down on its ascend as well as incorporate a melodic tune into the functional prototype. Hence, I decided to consult my classmate Isabelle, as she added a melodic alarm as part of her code for her project.

After multiple failures when we discussed in school, Ruba decided to bring the electronics back home to attempt to fix the problems. 

Fast forward >>, Ruba solved the issues of the melody not playing as well as another problem which the code will repeat the loop, causing the servo motor to move back down which moves the lever and tea bag back to the teacup, which was not what we wanted.

We wanted the code to loop only once and end with the Lever in the upright 120-degree position. 

During discussions, I wrote down the problems that we faced and I knew how we could solve them, by adding a code string that would make the code play the void loop() only once.

However, my brain just felt so burned out from low-quality rest and so much time spent grinding on the project and other assignments that I could not think at all. 

Here is a document of my analysis:

I found a document that thought could help, but it just sped through the code and did not help us.
Hyperlink to that document:

Ruba went home with the electronics and information and managed to perfect the code.

Through this, I have strengthened my coding skills, while also learning how to assemble simple circuits, and troubleshoot my Arduino code, circuit, and the importance of nurturing patience.
It is important to have the parentheses fully closed and defined in order for the code to function as desired. [] {} ()

This is the link to the final functional code:
Hero Shots
Vintage pictures of chemical engineering students doing Arduino Programming, 2023

Part 4. Programming of the servo motor and melody tune, as well as perfecting the code (done by Ruba)

Ruba was in charge of the servo motor and melody tune programming and assisted me to perfect the code, this is the link to her blog: 

Part 5. Integrating all the parts and electronics (done by everyone)

With all the individual parts completed, we had to combine them, like gathering all 6 of the Infinity Stones to power the Infinity Gauntlet.

Marvel's Thanos reference

Acrylic Gluing

For acrylic gluing, at the initial phase, we wanted to begin gluing since the code took a considerable amount of time and was not finalised. 

Hence, we glued the parts that were low-contact points. 

We glued the 4 sides of the base first without the cover so that we could add the electronic components later on.

For precision, we used a set square found in the lab to ensure a perpendicular fit for the parts.

Next, after the code was finalised, we glued the sides for the pillar, taking into consideration the electronic components. 

We attached the temperature sensor to the pillar first, before we glued the parts shut, as we realised that the temperature sensor was difficult to insert.

After we assembled the base and pillar casing, we arranged and placed the Arduino Board and Breadboard neatly into the base to enclose and protect the electronic parts.

1. For cable management: Cable ties were used

2. For parts to stay attached to the base: Double-sided tape was used

3. For the base to stay attached to the pillar segment while being free to disassemble the parts to make changes, we implemented a cost-effective solution: 
Velcro was glued to the top of the base and bottom of the pillar to secure the parts together as a whole and allow for disassembly.

4. For the acrylic to withstand the heat of the cup and support the cup nicely: 
A coaster was used


Cable management


Fusion360 Design

The Fusion360 Design provides accurate and specific measurements for our final prototype.

Demonstration of our Tea Maker in Action

360 View of the Prototype

Hero Shot of our Team

4. Problems and Solutions

In this section, I will describe the problems encountered in the design and build process, and how the team solved them.

1st problem: Integration of 2 separate codes

Like oil and water, the 2 codes just simply refused to work together when placed together. However, worked fine on their own.

The team consulted our lecturer, Dr. Noel, to seek advice on how to move forward.
He advised us to come up with a sequence of step-by-step commands that we wanted Arduino to perform first. (Start Simple)

We then went home to research and work to compile the codes together. This simple task in fact worked! We managed to compile the basic codes together. Hence, always start your process simple.

2nd problem: Lever was loose and would lose its rigidity after a few runs with the servo motor

We realised that this was because the servo had ridges along the outer edges and may have worn out the lever. Hong Yi re-printed the lever in multiple dimensions for a large number of tries but to no avail.

A fraction of Hong Yi's 3D Printed Levers

  • Initially, the team consulted Dr Noel and he recommended using a metal gear servo that had more torque and was more rigid. He even passed a previous year's project mechanism to us for reference.
Initial Servo Motor:
Final Servo Motor:

We realised that there were screws that came with the new metal gear servo motor as well as screw threading within the attachment hole. 

We found a screw that allowed us to fasten the 3D Printed Lever with the servo hole and made the connection tight and rigid.

3rd problem: Servo jolted up when the code ended and was inconsistent
Being naturally sensitive and sudden like a mimosa plant, the servo motor would make minor jolts. This was normal.

The servo naturally is meant to be rotated consistently non-stop. However, we added a code that will make it stay at 120 degrees angle. 

What was not normal was that the servo motor jolted back up immediately after our delay function timer ended. This was unfavorable as it would splash the tea around. 

We later discovered after Ruba dissected the code, that the parentheses were not adequately placed. 

Add appropriate brackets (), {} and remember to check through every section of the code to ensure it is ok. 

Just because the compiler allows the code a "Green light", does not mean that the code will do what you want it to do.

4th and Last Problem: The code played continuously and the servo kept moving back down towards the teacup. 

This was because the input Temperature was still above the IF condition, hence the output of the Servo Motor would still acknowledge and repeat the IF Loop. 

Researched and placed code strings that makes the code void loop() play only once. 

From this list of problems and solutions, what can we conclude?
Although all the components are equally challenging to attempt, the coding gave rise to a myriad of problems. 

From my experience and journey, I conclude that this could have been due to my skill level in attempting Arduino coding, and miscommunication, as well as the other teammates, were stronger in the other aspects of the prototype designing.

I do blame myself, but understand that programming is not a main feature of what I am learning and an assistance skill to have. By slowing down and learning this new skill, I improve at it.

In a body, various systems come together to ensure the body survives. Without each other, the human system will fail.

Similarly, a team comes together to ensure the success of the project. Every member is crucial and plays an important role. Some may be stronger and some may be weaker, but everyone is equally important.

I recall the Critical Path Method taught during Prototyping Lesson. 
The success of the prototype project was held captive by the Arduino code taking such a long time to develop. In the future, I can use this analysis to weigh the importance of each task and aim to be productive and efficient in handling the problems that arise by settling the most critical task first. 

In our team, we did try that, which was why we left much of the acrylic gluing and accessories to the last week of prototyping.

5. Project Design Files as Downloadable Files

In this section, I will provide all the design files (Fusion360 files,.dxf files,.stl files, and Arduino programs files) as downloadable files.

CAD and 3D Printing
Laser Cutting
Arduino Programming
  • Arduino IDE codes for Tea Maker (.docs)
  • For the code, we had trouble compiling them into a single downloadable file.
  • Open up Arduino IDE > Paste the first document file > Open new tab > Paste the second document file
  • Ensure that the <DallasTemperature> and relevant additional <OneWire> Libraries have been added to the app, if not the compiler will not acknowledge them.
  • This was mentioned earlier in Section 3 for my contribution to the project.

6. Below is my Learning Reflection on the overall Project Development

After this long and arduous journey, I have come to learn that designing a functional Chemical Product is extremely challenging. Through the suite of ICPD and CPDD Modules, it was not easy to work with different types of people whom I was not used to working with; many had different goals and timelines set out, were difficult to work with, and insisted on having things their way. 
I feel like I was put in such an unfavorable position to step out of my comfort zone and grow.

Communication is especially important in Team Dynamics and it is essential to discuss goals and working styles before embarking on projects in order to succeed and manage conflicts.

I implemented this style of discussing team dynamics in ICPD with my team, however, failed to do so with this CPDD Team. Furthermore, in a school setting, many see no point in doing so and find it a waste of time.

Transferrable Skills and a look back on my achievements

  • I learned an important shortcut, cutting parts of pages. I came across this during my documentation journey.
This made my work process much faster and smoother as I am able to clip any portion of a page or image to be pasted onto another document with ease.

  • I learned that I love editing videos and take to the chance of any opportunity.
I wish to one day create content freely and post them on social media. This is a way of documentation and many people do this in the form of vlogs for example. 
Even my lecturer Dr Noel used to do them! Here is a hyperlink to his YouTube channel:
  • I learned to capitalise on the skills and knowledge taught in previous modules or encounters.
I came up with an interesting idea to display my team's progress calendar from a previous elective I took up, EP0702, Intro to Digital Marketing. Although it may seem easy, I feel that it is interesting and easy to view.

I also can easily edit images via Canva or Microsoft Whiteboard.

  • I managed to be a consultant for my friends from other teams who needed help with the laser cutter machine after learning how to operate it myself. Although there were complications, I managed to help them cut and engrave their files beautifully. 
        (Yeung Juen's team)

From the 2 Initial Goals that I set out to achieve at the start of this CPDD Journey, I achieved one and only partially achieved the other.

Let's take a trip down memory lane...
This is the hyperlink to my About Me Page; where my personal goals are listed:

Did I improve my CADD Skills?
I did try to improve my Fusion360 Designing skills, however, I failed to improve much.
While being a sprinter as part of my CCA in Track and Field, I bought a new spike shoe and after my 2nd run in them, the spikes turned blunt and I felt cheated by Nike despite the spike shoes being a budget model, I still paid quite a sum $$ for them!

Hence, I went onto Shopee to find some cheap replacement spikes as recommended by my peers. I decided to buy only the spikes without the key tool pair as I assumed that it was a universal fit and that my Nike Shoe key wrench was sufficient. However, a second disappointment clouded my mind as the Nike wrench could not get a proper fit with the new spikes that I bought. 

Although I knew that I could easily buy another wrench and the price was less than $10, I took the challenge upon myself to try and design it in Fusion360 and 3D Print a working prototype to test.

"Why buy something from a contractor when you can design it yourself?"

I consulted my friends from class 05 (Valarie, Asraf, and Jia Xin) who were more hands-on and good at Fusion360 and they gave me some verbal tips while hopping onto Thingiverse to try and find something similar.

Heading back home, I attempted to design a trial model and 3D Printed it during my free time while working on the CPDD Prototype.

Sadly, I have yet to complete a working prototype which is why I partially achieved this goal.
Nevertheless, I can always learn from my friends around me and my teammate, Hong Yi, who is great with Fusion360.

Learned more about coding

With respect to the second mastery goal, I definitely achieved it...I spent countless hours and focus to sieve through resources and guides to help myself better understand how coding works.

However, this came through at the expense of my team's trust in me being lost at some time in this journey and frustration. 
To gain something, you are always losing something at the same time; there will be costs involved.

My thoughts

I have learned that product design is not smooth progress. I should also trust my gut feeling if I see a vision that can be implemented and fight for it. There were times when my team did not like or were hesitant about my ideas, but when I questioned them, "Why don't you like it?" or "What will you change?" I was able to understand their perspective.

This style of combating situations was taught to me by a P&G Interviewer during my Internship Job Hunt. He asked me what should I do as a junior employee if I feel that a method of doing things is better, but being senior employees, many will not listen to what you say and insist on doing things their way.
The solution is to make the idea theirs. 

Ask for their input on how they will change the idea since they have more experience and are more insightful. Hence, I generally adopt this habit to take into account all the opinions of my teammates.

There will always be windows when you find that the product will require changes, and windows when you make breakthroughs and should celebrate them.

I have learned that to make an assignment's process more bearable and see progress, we can set aside time to break down the objective into mini sub-objectives. 
Every time we achieve a breakthrough, we can cancel the task and feel happier.

Source for the base drawing: @happinessproject, Tiktok, 2023

While I am glad that this journey is finally over, I am nervous to enter the future. 
But, one more task and chapter is finally down, and I am almost graduating.

(Reflection provided through this link is unstructured and just contains my immediate thoughts)

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