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About me

  Hi 👴, my name is Kieron. I am a Year 2 Chemical Engineering student studying at Singapore Polytechnic. This is where I will be documenting my work for CP5070, Chemical Product Design and Development module. A little bit more about myself, I like to go to the gym or even read a book during my free time. A picture of Cambodian Minister Veng Sereyvuth and me at his book launch, "No one born poor" Here is a list of 2 personal goals that I would like to achieve in CP5070 module by the end of this semester.  I would like to improve my CAD skills in Fusion360, as I feel that it is largely beneficial to be able to create 3D representational drawings and bring them to life via various forms of medium (e.g. 3D Printing, Laser Cutting) I would also like to achieve a greater understanding of how Programming works (specifically for this module would be Arduino Programming).  In order to achieve these mastery goals, I would definitely need to allocate time towards practising in my own f

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